May 24 Weekend as in Two Four

Well it is a kind of lolling around weekend here in Canada.  The neighbourhood is quiet and most folk who have not headed out to cottages or camping are puttering at this and that.  May 24 to the young adults means 24 (the number of bottles of beer in a case) but the holiday celebrates the reign of Queen Victoria who ruled the United Kingdom from 1837 until 1901.

Victoria at 18 coronation

That lady would have seen a lot of changes in all those decades and today her style is defined by her name: Victorian; architecture, clothes, morals (although the morals have long since changed drastically).

It’s a day for catch up (having sorted through a couple thousand emails – how do I get so far behind?)  The biography ‘Steve Jobs‘ by Walter Isaacson sits on my reading table awaiting some much anticipated attention and a newly started cross stitch sits beside the TV remote for a planned movie watch this afternoon.

Most of my spare time over the last few weeks has been spent devouring book after book including a reread of the Harry Potter series minus 6 0f 7, Joseph Boyden‘s ‘Through Black Spruce‘ which was gripping and demanded my complete attention deliciously, and completion of the ‘Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ series by Steig Larsson, also delicious.  My reading group of friends is trying to entice my attention to ‘The Hunger Games‘ but for some reason I am resisting.

So thanks to Vicky this is one of those cozy days wrapped in other folks creativity and I cannot complain.  It is also a day for appreciation of family and friends and life in general.  It’s a very hot day, truely summerish and reminds me of other two four weekends when blizzards blew and my sons’ and their friends threw blankets and sleeping bags into the back of cars  and headed off for adventure.

This is tradionally when cottagers head north, east, west, or south, to open their little bits of heaven for the summer and fall.

So dear friends I am off to get the rest of this wonderful day done in pursuit of just plain old content activity.

13 thoughts on “May 24 Weekend as in Two Four”

  1. Enjoy your reading Chris. I have reserved the Boyden book at our local library. This is an author new to me so I am looking forward to reading the book. 🙂

  2. how lovely to have your needle work sat on the chair waiting for you to push play on the movie.. are you back home now? or still with the grandchildren, it sounds like you are back home.. c

  3. My Mum will head north to Nova Scotia around June 22nd, Chris. My family and I hope to join her at some point. Thank you for mentioning the books you enjoyed. I am going to check out ‘Through Black Spruce’. Here’s to being content.

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