Becoming Jessica Fletcher

Becoming Jessica Fletcher

I want to be Jessica Fletcher.
Between 1984 and 1986 Murder, She Wrote was a highly successful TV Series starring Angela Lansbury. But it is not Angela I am interested in, although she had a hugely successful career on the big screen, the big stage as well as television, it is Jessica B. Fletcher.

Angela aka Jessica Fletcher

In those years as I raised a family, worked, studied and dreamed I looked to her character as the person I wanted to become. J. B. Fletcher was a retired school teacher, widowed, living in a small town in Maine called Cabot Cove who turned to writing murder mysteries, and who gained world wide fame as a best selling author.

She apparently got up bright and early every morning, perfectly coiffed, dressed in casual but classy clothing, make up perfect, puttered in her garden, went for healthy walks and kept an immaculate house. In addition she had a delightful circle of friends, including Dr. Seth Hazlitt, and Sheriff Amos Tupper who popped around for dinners and were often the portal to her murder mysteries.

My new BFF Wikipedia tells me ‘Murder rears its ugly head with great regularity in her vicinity (so improbably often that the mystery term “Cabot Cove syndrome” was eventually coined to describe the constant appearance of dead bodies in remote locations).’

All those years of thinking that when my circumstances changed, children grown, time on my hands that I would become Jessica Fletcher (well not become because that would be just too weird, but become like.)

I actually have a blogging buddy who in my mind comes closest to this character.
She is Judithb who writes from

In my mind she lives this gracious existence. You may want to check her out.

So now I have that circumstance; not widowed but alone, time to do, to be. But for five months now I have tried to figure out what my life is, what my schedule is – unsuccessfully. I am not getting the best bang for my buck. I have tried rising early, rising late, promising myself daily exercise, cooking real meals, oh and writing successfully like there is no tomorrow.

So I think I may try the J. B. Fletcher way. That means getting myself out of bed and putting all the pieces in place. It is 11:15 a.m. and here I sit in bed where I read and write my blogs first thing in the morning. Would Jessica sit in bed – NO!

I look around my apartment or suite as it is apparently called – if you pay enough for it it becomes a suite. Clothing piled in laundry stacks, dust bunnies mating and reproducing everywhere, dishes in the sink even though there is a dishwasher which still has clean dishes in it. Papers and books and notes oh my.

So I think for today I will be J. B. and since I have a late start I may try for tomorrow too. WWJBD?

21 thoughts on “Becoming Jessica Fletcher”

  1. You sound in all honesty more like Mrs. Columbo! I hope that doesn’t sound too harsh. I like Mrs. Columbo – look who she married! You can put a spin on things and become the you you want to be!

    Forget Fletcher. Forget Columbo. Just be yourself. Put your stamp on your way of life. If you would like to take certain aspects from JBF, go right ahead but I think the best YOU is just around the corner and that means doing things your way.

    I would love to see a post called Deciding To Just Be Myself! Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks Tom! I always pictured Mrs. C as a hot babe so that would do nicely. I can’t find my stamp..yet…sort of floating out here in the midst of so much change..a little at sea for the moment. I hope the best YOU that is ME is truly just around the corner! You also have a great weekend!

  2. It is good to have a role model, and JBF is a great one! Maybe you can become an advice columnist. Dear Ms. Fletcher, Last night, I had a dream that I was in love with my garbage man. What does that mean?

  3. There’s already been a JBF! Now it’s time for you. Sit in bed, crank out those novels and we’ll all say, “I knew her when…” One of us may even come over and empty your dishwasher! 😀

  4. You could become a writer of murder and you could CSI the murder sites . i wonder if you have any experience with CSI

  5. Chris thank you for the mention. Do I really come across like Jessica Fletcher? I wish.
    I always loved that program and like you, watched it when my kids were growing up and thought that’s what I shall be like when/if I am ever on my own.
    So thanks for that. Just have to get my sleuthing gear out but alas, where I live in the center of Wellington it is not at all like Cabot Cove.
    Again, many thanks. Judith 🙂

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