Tag Archives: ghosts

I love my neighbourhood

It’s great for walking around any time but it seemed more spectacular than usual. Spreading the fun from AWA!

A friend and I went for a Sunday morning walk around the neighbourhood yesterday to see lawn decorations. For HALLOWEEN of course!

A young mother was also here with two of her three children. The oldest one who was five wouldn’t come because she was truly frightened. The other two who looked about three and two years old loved it!

I love that some folk go all out. I never did- too energetic for me but I sure enjoy the ones that do.

This place brought all smiles. So cheerful!

This witch is rather solitary but really amazing!


Someone painted a bare trunk and branch – which has nothing to do with Halloween but I just had to include it!

Now how ingenious is that?

And we still have some vibrant colours about.

All in all quite a lovely time of year here at North of 43