My Easter Sunday Dinner Jacket/Robe

Some mornings, especially on Sundays, and especially this Easter Sunday, I am moved to reach back to a quieter simpler time.  As a child, Easter mornings brought along with chocolate and decorated eggs a new outfit for each of us five children.  Suits and ties for the two boys and cute dresses, gloves, hats and purses for the three girls.  Not an easy accomplishment in those days.

So this morning I arose thinking that I would dress up.  Not for church, or family gathering, but just for the heck of it.

So by mid-morning I had showered, done my hair, my makeup, and was sipping my coffee thinking that this indeed would be a day with no work, no chores, no shopping (easily done in these days of isolation and hunkering down).

I would read, knit, listen to audiobooks, perhaps a movie (if Jesus Christ Superstar plays) and I would look darn good doing it.

So some thoughts whilst all this was happening.  Into my 7th decade I realized a few things.

FACT: It takes a lot longer to ‘dress up and look better than it used to. * That’s okay I have the time.

FACT: It seems there is a 100% chance of slopping.  That includes cooking and eating.  *Geez

That took my thoughts to ‘clothing protection’.  I think I was in the shower when I started thinking about Dinner Jackets.  Like this:

dinnerjacket  Yes my mind did include JB. (That’s James Bond Judith, not Baxter!)

It occurred to me that centuries ago dinner jackets were worn by men so they did not slop on their clothes while eating.  Research did not bear this out alas.

Should I even dress? Up?

Well sure so my Dinner Jacket idea became this:

grey-dressing-bath-robe-isolated-600w-127395488Not exactly the same thing but….

Except mine does not exactly look like this.  It is white and rather worn (the kindest description I could think of).  But oh my when I take it off I will be lovely.  (it’s all about perception folks!)

happy easter

6 thoughts on “My Easter Sunday Dinner Jacket/Robe”

  1. I at least got dressed today. Not dressed up, but dressed. No gloves, fancy dress, or Mary Jane patents. With an all day snow here in SD, it would have been easy to stay in my robe. To make the day different from every recent day in quarantine, I’m watching the church services of my kids and grandkids. Getting into their lives. So five plus my own. The day is flying by! And I would not have known otherwise that one granddaughter was playing violin and singing in her church. An added bright spot to the message of the day. Thanks for bringing back those childhood memories!

  2. A lovely post my friend. And yes, we three had new clothes for Easter. As you say, no mean feat after the war when clothing was still rationed in Britain. James Bond or Judith Baxter? Interesting comment.

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