If You are Going to Waste My Time, At Least Do It With a Little Style

If You Are Going to Waste My Time at Least Do It With a Little Style

So said I to my recalcitrant self, the part of me that begs in a whiny voice, ‘But it’s Saturday!’

Ran errands this morning knowing I would have the afternoon and evening to play catchup on some pretty vital stuff, shelving the idea of going to the Bluesfest, hoping as a reward I would treat myself tomorrow.  Puttered around trying to decide on arranging more things for packing or actually workimg.  Maybe I should vacuum and dust first.  RS pipes up with a twist of sarcasm about the room littered with boxes, possessions on every available horizontal surface and disturbing the ambiance of a life in transition.

Sat at the computer when I was suddenly attacked by a game of Galapago and did not deem this a waste of time as it would exercise my mind taking my cerebral function to genius level.

Called my sister hoping for a diversion there but alas she is actually doing housework.

Argued with RS relentlessly about my choice of activity.  No problem knowing who is boss today.

Took another look around the room wondering if I should call a missing person on my organized self because darn if I know where I set her down.  (RS hates OS).

Finally came to an understanding with RS and told her point blank – if you are going to waste my time at least do it with a little style- so we agreed….after a crazy busy week I will take two self indulgent hours and read.

So here I sit about to start Kathy Reichs Deja Dead.  Reichs is a forensic anthropologist in real life and the heroine is Temperance Brennan, of the Bones TV series, which is kind of cute since in the series Temperance is a forensic anthropologist and published author whose heroine is Kathy Reichs.

Well I best get cracking but before I can read I had to promise OS that I would at least post first.  Yeah! One thing off today’s list completed!

19 thoughts on “If You are Going to Waste My Time, At Least Do It With a Little Style”

  1. Since I know you love cleaning so much, I GUESS you can come clean my apartment. I’ll pay you in rewarding, encouraging smiles! Life’s too short to sweat the small stuff, sweat doing housework, or actually, just sweat at all. I mean, really – gross. 😉 Enjoy yourself and keep up the writing – I always love catching up on your blog!

    1. Wow Cassie I am glad you remembered how much I LOVE cleaning …alas with my skills your sweet rewarding smiles would turn upside down! The only time I like sweating is when I dance wildly for hours or exercise or…well you know!! LOL

  2. I love RS! She probably helps OS relax and enjoy the good things in life. Though, OS probably makes it possible for RS to exist. Its a win/win!

  3. You’re funny. “Took another look around the room wondering if I should call a missing person on my organized self because darn if I know where I set her down.” I’m gonna steal that and use it around my house…not the web.

  4. My day, right here, every retired day I live. You come to feel really good about it, as long as you don’t need any actual money.

    These are the good ol’ days.

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